This is part of Celeste's picture tag, go to
her blog to see what I'm talking about.
1. Kitchen Sink - It's actually pretty clean, the bowl is from breakfast today and that jar used to have Grandma's delicious marmalade jam in it

Laundry Room - Yep, that's right, we have SIX washing machines!

Fridge - Pretty boring stuff: last year's USU football schedule magnet, visiting teaching assignment paper, old receipts, and the not so boring stuff like my hockey schedule and a Total Care Wellness Center magnet.

I also thought I should include this cool thing made by my mom because we use that as our second fridge.

Bathroom - Very exciting, eh?

Closet - I like this feature of our apartment, we have an entire wall of closet space. Celeste said we weren't supposed to clean anything up so that's why a certain piece of protective equipment that I wear for hockey is hanging off one of the doors. Sorry.

Favorite Room - Hmmm, there were so many choices, but I had to go with our livitchen room, since that is where we eat food and read books. (The kitchen is the other side of this room.)

Favorite Shoes - This seems like such a girl thing to do, but it was pretty easy since I don't have very many shoes to choose from. I wear my black dress shoes every day, my $3 flip flops are very comfortable, and I love hockey. The combined price I paid for these shoes was $73 before tax.

Self-portrait - Again, Celeste said we weren't supposed to clean anything, so I didn't comb my hair.

Children - This is the closest thing we have to a kid since our fish died: Commy-Pig!

Dream Vacation - I would love to go to a couple of my mission areas, Puerto Vallarta and San Blas, and see all the things that I didn't get a chance to see.